Alternative proteins tasting menu

My signature pieces of alternative protein content!

Here you’ll find a curated selection of white papers, insightful blog posts, captivating interviews, strategically crafted landing pages and impressive Google rankings that I have achieved for various alternative protein brands within the plant-based, cultivated and fermentation industries.

Increasing brand awareness

CASE STUDY: Bright Green Partners

As a dedicated writer for Bright Green Partners, the global alternative protein consultancy, I contribute regular blog posts that serve as a powerful tool to elevate the new website’s rankings and expand awareness. Through these insightful articles, I position Bright Green Partners as a leading voice in the alternative protein industry, enhancing its authority and influence.

The impact of my blog posts is evident in the consistent growth of the brand’s online presence, with high visibility at the top of Google search results and steadily increasing organic keywords. Furthermore, these articles captivate readers, resulting in impressive average reading times.

A screenshot of the average reading times for Bright Green Partners' articles on alternative proteins

Websites and landing pages

Each website and landing page is carefully formulated to elevate the online presence of alternative protein brands, captivate their target audience and drive meaningful conversions.

From seamless user experience to persuasive calls-to-action, these examples demonstrate my expertise in creating digital experiences that truly resonate with both brands and customers.

Good Food Institute & Bright Green Partners

Bright Green Partners recently collaborated with Good Food Institute (GFI) to publish a valuable white paper on plant-based manufacturing capacity.

This dynamic landing page serves as a gateway to the study, showcasing its key highlights and compelling statistics in a visually engaging manner. I collaborated closely with the design team to ensure the written content seamlessly aligned with the visual elements, creating a cohesive and impactful user experience.

The landing page for the GFI and BGP collab white paper study on plant-based manufacturing capacity
Further down the landing page for the GFI and BGP collab white paper study on plant-based manufacturing capacity
The bottom of the landing page for the GFI and BGP collab white paper study on plant-based manufacturing capacity

Bright Green Partners

Here’s an example of one of the three main pillar landing pages I helped create in collaboration with the design and digital growth team for Bright Green Partners. With compelling calls to action as powerful headings and a strategically crafted flow of content, these landing pages are designed to captivate customers and guide them seamlessly towards relevant and engaging information.

A screenshot of Bright Green Partners Cultivated Meat Cellular Agriculture Alternative Proteins Landing Page
Further down the page for the Bright Green Partners Cultivated Meat Cellular Agriculture Alternative Proteins Landing Page
The bottom of Bright Green Partners Cultivated Meat Cellular Agriculture Alternative Proteins Landing Page

Achieving top Google search positions

Unlocking the power of SEO, I have been instrumental in catapulting brands to the coveted first page, driving increased visibility, organic traffic and ultimately, business success. With a meticulous approach to keyword research, strategic content optimisation and staying ahead of search engine algorithms, I have consistently delivered outstanding results for my clients.

A screenshot of Google search results showing Bright Green Partners (my client) at the top of search results with an article I wrote for them called '3D printed steaks are game changers - here's why'
First page rankings for a page about alternative proteins for BGP
My blog post about vegan protein powder in position one of Google search results for keyword form nutrition review
Top page of search results showing my article for Vegconomist in the 3rd position
SERP results for Plant based trends 2023. My blog post for BGP is in the second position
Featured snippet for Bright Green Partners and top Google rankings for precision fermentation companies

Elevating white papers

Through strategic edits, I transform complex research findings into engaging narratives that captivate readers and highlight cutting-edge advancements in the field. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the subject matter, I ensure that white papers not only convey scientific data but also interest and inspire the audience.

The front page to the white paper I edited for Bright Green Partners on Precision Fermentation

Amplifying voices by featuring brands

Through informative interview pieces and engaging articles, I bring forward the voices and insights of brands, shedding light on their unique perspectives and contributions to the alternative protein industry.